Devon and Dorset England

Welcome to my portfolio and this page on Devon and Dorset, England. Here, you’ll find a curated collection of my best work, showcasing my creativity, observation, and enjoyment of photography. I’m excited to share my journey with you. I live in a beautiful area of Somerset and try to take photographs with my Olympus OMD EM10 Mark III daily. I am also a travel writer and my photography reflects my travel to France, especially Paris and Provence. Please enjoy this selection and the landscape* photography* is available for purchase or digital use.

* Photos such as Tyntesfied that show private architecture I cannot offer for sale

Most of my photography is taken with Olympus OM-D E-M10 III camera with Olympus EZ lenses. I work from RAW files in the main.

bicycle with basket of fruit and signs in front of restaurant terrace
Dartmouth Devon restaurant
two goats on cliff path with sea and cloudy sky and coast
Valley of the Rocks Lynton North Devon

Please Enjoy my Travel Books on Amazon – FREE on Kindle Unlimited

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