D-Day Omaha Beach and the American Cemetery in Normandy

On the anniversary of D-Day these are my thoughts from a poignant visit to the American Cemetery overlooking Omaha Beach.

This is taken from my book – OFF THE AUTOROUTE

The cemetery is poignant especially because of being situated where these young men fell.

I hope you enjoy this recollection

We look forward to the end of war and a peaceful world.

Rows of crosses give a moving and stark reminder of the events of D-Day at the American Cemetery Omaha Beach

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Despite my love of history and the interest I have in the time period in France that covers the occupation and the D-Day landings it is not my intention to go over all the story. That has been well told many times by far better historians and relatively recently with the fascination with the 75th anniversary of the landings. All my writings are done with a desire to inspire you to visit the places we have loved over the years. What I hope to achieve is give you a sense of the atmosphere and the way these sites have an impact on us as visitors. With the war sites in Normandy the feeling that these are places we have loved is perhaps not the correct expression. You can love Provence. You can love Paris. You cannot love a cemetery at a place where so many lost their lives. You can however be moved.

The Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial in France, Cemetiere Americain,  is located in Colleville-sur-Mer, on the site of the temporary American Saint Laurent Cemetery. This was  established by the U.S. First Army just three days after D-Day on the 8th of  June, 1944. By definition of its location it was the first American cemetery on European soil laid out in World War II.

The approach to the cemetery and memorial is quite unusual and unexpected. As you get close to Colleville-sur-mer on the D514 you come upon a roundabout that is well tended and rather than being on a well-used coastal  road you feel in another place altogether. You could be at the approach to a upmarket Golf and Country Club, reminiscent of where the Masters is played in Atlanta, USA. What this sudden change in the landscape impels you to do is to turn left and not to carry on. You cannot just drive past this place, a site that is the most visited memorial site for Americans in the world. Turn left you must do through the wooded area where you can park your car and take what is one of the most extraordinary walks you will ever make.

There is a new visitor centre here now, opened in 2007, but that was some three years after our visit. The new centre tells the story of D-Day and Omaha Beach and gives the visitor a place to reflect and hear the recollections of many participants bringing those dreadful days to life once again. On our visit we just had the cemetery and memorial to contemplate but be assured that was more than sufficient to bring those days back into vivid perspective.

As you walk across into the cemetery you are confronted by row upon row of stark, brilliant white crosses. Every one perfectly laid out in unison so that whichever way you look down the rows they are in line, stood to attention. Initially this is just too much to take in and you sort of want to turn away and try not to look. We found ourselves drawn over to the memorial at the head of the cemetery and facing down a long straight manicured lawn that leads the eye between the two sides of the grave site. In front of the memorial is a reflective pool. There is not a sound, even the birds seem to have caught the mood and are silent.

The memorial is made up of a semi-circular colonnade that has a large inscription running around the upper curved part. Attached at either side of the memorial there is a loggia, and these contain large maps and narratives of the D-Day military operations and the subsequent breakout into the Normandy countryside. At the centre of the semi-circular structure is a bronze statue, “Spirit of American Youth Rising from the Waves.” You cannot help but reflect that sadly the place is dedicated to and contains the generation of American youth whose rise ended so abruptly and tragically just yards from this statue.

On the Walls of the Missing, constructed in a semi-circular garden to the east side of this memorial you will find inscribed 1,557 names of those who never had a last resting place. Some have been found and identified in the years following the construction of this memorial and those are marked by a Rosette against their names.

The cemetery site in front of you covers over 170 acres and contains the graves of 9,385 of American military dead, most of whom lost their lives in the D-Day landings and the operations that followed as the Allies broke out from the beachhead. The whole cemetery spread out before you is so impeccably laid out that it is somewhat dreamlike. Can this be real? In many ways it should not work as a memorial, it is too pristine and so far from the bloody horrors of those landings. Yet, it is that starkness, that total contrast with the events themselves that cause you to be so moved by the experience. It stuns you into silence. I have never been a place with so many other people and not been aware of any sound. No one speaks; they just silently walk through the paths, occasionally looking at the graves but not too often.

There is one more place that you have to visit and to do so you have to leave the flawless cemetery behind you and step through to an observation point overlooking Omaha beach. At its centre there is an orientation table that gives a battle view on a map of the scene as it was on the 6th of June 1944. The cemetery was very affecting, but it is here overlooking the beach that you feel the emotion of this poignant site. As you look out down to the beach over the grassy knolls you get a sense of the actually deadly dangers those young men faced. The beach is not wide but it is wide enough to know that it would seem a very long way to a soldier running towards a machine gun at the site of this observation point. It is then that it finally hits you that the men in those graves behind you are buried within yards of where they fell. This is as far as they got. It is that realisation which moves you to tears.

alt="Photo of American Landing zone at Omaha Beach Normandy"
The American landing zone on Omaha Beach Normandy

If you get chance after your visit then make your was along the coast to the dramatic spot of Pointe du Hoc. This extraordinary cliff was the scene of the famous action by American Rangers in scaling the cliff under heavy fire from above. The vital position was taken with heavy casualties. Visiting the sight it can only be concluded that such a thing was impossible but it was accomplished and was in allied hands. This was after some navigational errors made the task even more difficult by giving the Germans more time to prepare and the element of surprise was gone.

Alt="Photo of Pointe du Hoc D-Day battle scene by US Rangers"
Pointe du Hoc – scene of the daring assault by US Rangers on D-Day

This American Cemetery at Colleville-sur-Mer, is a place that I would say affected me almost as much as anywhere else I have visited. The only other memorial site that I find more intensely moving is The Mémorial des Martyrs de la Déportation at the eastern tip of the Île de la Cité in Paris behind Notre Dame. That one in Paris has a personal resonance for me so it should and does have a deep effect on me whenever I visit Paris. Unlike Paris the Normandy Cemetery does not have a personal connection to me but it is a place that stirs the emotions, and I will never forget it.

the deportation memorial in paris france is a poignant reminder of the horrors of the Nazi regime and the lights in the memorial show a memory of each person including Jehovah's Witnesses
Mémorial des Martyrs de la Déportation in Paris, France – A memorial to the more than 200,000 people who were deported from Vichy France to the horrors of Nazi Germany

This Paris Memorial commemorates Jews, Political prisoners, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Gypsies, Stateless persons, and other groups who the Nazi state desired to permanently remove from society. Many were still deported after D-Day and right up to the day of liberation. I would have been one of them. Few returned.

We look forward to the end of war and a peaceful world.


This chapter is taken from my book – OFF the AUTOROUTE

young girl fills water jug from a stone fountain unter shady trees in village in Provence

Published by Neal Atherton French Travel Book Writer

My passion is writing about travel and particularly French travel. I have traveled extensively in France and wine and food has always featured on my travels and now in my books. My friends always await our return from France with the latest new finds from the vineyards and I was more than happy to keep sampling. I am from Lancashire in the north of England but have now relocated to Somerset (nearer to France) and able to enjoy devoting my time to writing and new discoveries. France came late to me as a destination, in fact so conservative was my travel upbringing that it was a long time before I even ventured to Cornwall. I have more than made up for the slow start and have enjoyed helping many others with their travel plans to France and especially to Paris and Provence. I have written a series of four books on France - Three are now on Amazon:THE FIRST TIME WE SAW PARIS about our first steps in French Travel, THYME FOR PROVENCE our discovery of that glorious region and the people and places we met and discovered, A DREAM OF PARIS a personal memoir of our times in Paris with friends. France has been fun, we have been burgled on our very first arrival, we discovered the best cafe that changed our travel lives on the very next day, we learnt about French wine, we escaped from the most horrendous gite, we found the best of gites, B & B's and people, we laughed and cried with dear friends in Paris, I was hosed down by a crazy owner to cool me down in Provence, our breakfast in a remote village was served by the French army, we stepped totally out of our comfort zone and discovered the best of French culture. The experiences are varied and many and please come with me as I retell the stories and my footsteps are there to follow. I am also writing about ancestry and genealogy and my first book about our incredible family story themed around war and the military is now on Amazon - A BULLET FOR LIFE. I love the English game of cricket, golf, soccer, photography, walking and cooking. Oh, and travel of course.

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